Autumn 2023
We organized three great events for Fall GoByBikeBC Weeks: An Outdoor Movie Night, a Kids Bike Rally, and a Spooky Bike Disco to the Haunted Forest Walk this coming Saturday.
Anthill Films
About 50 people came out to get inspired by this fabulous film! We also shared GoByBikeBC sign-up cards with everyone as well as updates on safer cycling infrastructure for Salt Spring. We’d love to do something like this again!
Surprise! This event was magic with over 100 people, families and folks of all ages. It was super fun watching all the biking joy, from bike park loops to jump contests, with lots of donated great prizes. Thanks to GoByBikeBC for the great safety swag (snap bracelets) for all and for the free BBQ!
Wear your costumes and meet us at 5pm at The ROOT parking lot at 189 Beddis Road, from whence we crazy cyclists will dance-bike our way out Beddis Road in a big group DISCO RIDE to the Haunted Forest Walk at 606 Cusheon Lake Road. After a fun exploration of Salty Bonez Halloween Displays, we’ll bike back to The ROOT, arriving by 7pm. See ya there!