
Thank you for supporting GoByBike BC Society and Bike to Work & School Week in British Columbia!

GoByBike BC Society (formerly Bike to Work BC Society) is a registered non-profit society that promotes active transportation through cycling. GBBBC trains and supports communities across the province to encourage people to use bicycles for everyday transportation through hosting local Bike to Work Week and Bike to School Week.

GoByBike Society is thrilled to partner with the Province of BC, corporate sponsors, and most importantly, with people like you.

Your gifts, and your support, mean we are able to help get more butts on bike seats in more communities across BC. Your gift means that we are lowering greenhouse gas emissions for the province and improving the physical well-being and mental health of participants. Your gift means more people are working together to make a difference and find solutions to climate change. Thank you for joining the movement and being part of a change for the future.

Thank you for doing your part in environmental sustainability, for cheering on event participants, and for making a big difference for the people of our province.

We’ve collected hundreds of stories from people about how GoByBike programs have helped change their lives, read them here.


Your support, whether big or small, is essential to running the Go By Bike Weeks and is hugely meaningful to us.

Your investment into GoByBike BC helps support more communities and get more people to discover the joy of going by bike. With your gifts, we are able to continue this outreach and engagement, making sure all communities have the tools to get more bums on bikes.

You can make a one-time or monthly donation by choosing an amount below. Thank you for supporting us in getting the word out. GoByBike BC Registered Society BN is: 845570696RR0001

Where your money goes:

  • Grants for communities and regions to assist with start-up, and running their events
  • Support and training for regional coordinators, team leaders and individuals
  • Website and registration system which is a vital component of our events
  • Resources and tools to help communities host a successful Bike to Work Week.
  • Insurance (third party liability) for communities requiring it
  • Program development


As a registered society, tax receipts will be issued at time of transaction.  Any questions, please contact:

Tanya Kaul
Executive Director
GoByBike BC Registered Society