Board of Directors & Staff

About the GoByBike BC Society Board of Directors

The GoByBike BC Society’s volunteer Board of Directors is a governance/policy board. In addition to setting policies and approving the annual budget, the Board sets short and long-term goals for the Society, and guides the Society’s programs and services.

If you are interested in learning about opportunities to volunteer with the Board of Directors, or opportunities to sit on a working committee, please contact

2024/2025 Board Members:

President: Marsh Stevens, Vancouver Island Representative

November 2024 will mark 5 years on the Board for me, and my 4th term as President. I have been enamoured with bicycles since a young child, and to this day am perpetually restoring, building, tinkering with, and riding them. I am a person who is just as happy working with my hands as with my mind. I was trained by my father, a cabinet maker, and had a lot of technical training at the high school I attended. I hold both a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Philosophy, a Certificate in Community Based Development, and a Diploma in Computer Assisted Drafting and Design. I have varied work/life experiences ranging from Teaching, Community Development, running the Sculpture Studio at the Banff Centre, working as a bike mechanic, designing and building our family home, developing affordable housing in my community, and being a politician. As a Municipal Councillor for the Town of Ladysmith I bring my knowledge and experience, a profound faith in Community, and a conviction that together we can better our social, physical and economic environments.

Treasurer: Dewi Evans, Okanagan Representative

Originally born in Wales, UK, Dewi moved to Canada in 2016 and has never looked back. An avid lover of the outdoors, Kamloops offers Dewi the opportunity to play, explore and unwind all year round. His hobbies range from skiing and snowshoeing in winter to mountain biking and paddle boarding in summer.

Dewi’s first involvement in GoByBike came as a coordinator during the 2018 summer event. His love for the program was instantaneous, leading him to join the board in 2019. “I just wanted to contribute. Biking is a passion of mine due to the physical and mental health benefits, and when you combine it with a community event and positive environmental change, it was a no brainer for me to join”.

Secretary: Nicole Malette, Metro Vancouver Representative

Nicole joined the GoByBike BC Board in 2021 with the hopes of helping out more in her cycling community. Nicole is an avid cyclist in the greater Vancouver area, who is never more enthusiastic than when she is tinkering with bike parts or encouraging others to ride. She holds a PhD in sociology, specializing in education and social inequality research. When not riding, Nicole works evaluating clinical education programming at the BC Center on Substance Use.

Chris Alemany, Vancouver Island Representative

Chris is a father, community and environmental advocate, computer technician, former municipal politician, weather blogger, political and union activist, and consultant. Chris grew up in Port Alberni and now lives there with his wife Theresa and their two children. In 2009 he helped found and is President of the Alberni Valley Transition Town Society (, which is an umbrella organization for multiple groups, like Cycle Alberni, helping Port Alberni transition to a low-carbon, resilient future. Chris was elected councillor for the City of Port Alberni from 2014-2018.  Chris has also served on the Board of Sage Haven Society ( – formerly ACAWS) helping people experiencing gender-based violence. Chris has worked at Vancouver Island University ( for 23 years and is a computer technician and lab assistant in the Media Studies department and has served on the VIU Faculty Association executive. Finally, Chris is as passionate about the weather as he is about safe and accessible bicycling and maintains a weather blog called Chris has served on the Board of GoByBikeBC as a representative for the Central Vancouver Island region since 2019.

Erin LaRocque, Metro Vancouver Representative

Serving on the board since 2017, Erin is a born and raised Vancouverite and a long-time four season commuter cyclist. In her day job as the internal, operational sustainability consultant at Vancity, Erin develops and administers programs to help staff move away from single occupancy driving towards active transportation, and she is excited to help in the tangible work GoByBike BC does to bring cycling as a preferred mobility option to people across BC! A firm believer in the practicality and joy of bikes for everyday mobility, she is a committed ‘anti-spendex’ rider; when she’s not in the office working  on all things sustainability, you can catch her cruising around town in heels and skirts for both fun and general transportation.

Jade Chan, Metro Vancouver Representative

My name is Jade and I am a data storyteller with expertise and experience in financial reporting, planning and analysis. At my current role at Loop Energy Inc, you will see me painting the “big” picture to non-accounting senior execs while busy inspiring team members in reaching the next level. When I’m not leading conversation with department heads on forecasting activities, you will find me cycling through the city while exploring different parts of the area and trying new restaurants in town. My friends and colleagues would use these three words to describe me: passionate, task-oriented and resourceful.

Helen Hopkins, Kootenay Region Representative

Originally from the UK, Helen grew up in Northern BC. After living for over a decade in the lower mainland, she moved to the Kootenays in 2020 where she traded her road bike for a mountain bike.

Helen is a human resources professional who encourages physical activity and spending time outdoors in both a professional and personal capacity. She holds a bachelor’s degree and graduate certificate both in Business Administration.

Helen bikes in all seasons to find work-life balance, build community, promote sustainable modes of transportation, and of course have fun. When not working you can find Helen on the trails and ski slopes with her husband and three kids.

Jennifer Grebeldinger, Kootenay Representative

Jen is a visual thinker and passionate communicator who merges technical knowledge of local climate action with a deep understanding of how to ensure people are at the centre of climate solutions. A driving belief is that while the bigger goal of avoiding a climate crisis might come from zero carbon and sustainable living, what we cannot miss is people living day-to-day with neighbours and family. It’s this perspective, as well as experience living in different countries – urban and rural communities – that Jen hopes to bring to this Board and contribute to the evolution and continued success of GBBBC.  

Jen resides in the homeland of the Ktunaxa Nations – Ktunaxa’amaki’is – in Fernie with her human and fur babies. She is grateful for every moment on a bike – on roads or trails, for transportation or recreation.

James Outterson, Vancouver Island Representative

Originally from the UK, James moved to Canada in 2020 by way of Japan (teaching English) and Belgium (as a researcher for the Japanese Foreign Ministry). Originally based in Ontario, James moved to Victoria, BC, in 2023 James returned to university as a mature student, completing a Masters in Sustainability in 2019. Apart from the obvious one of cycling, James enjoys cooking (and the eating part), reading, and attempting to learn Spanish.

James is keen to promote cycling for everyone, all ages and abilities. He wants to see cycling be a viable first option for people going to meet friends, heading downtown or a leisure activity, for getting to work and even to go grocery shopping! He is also committed to using active travel to combat climate change (lowering travel emissions) and helping with integration for newcomers (affordable travel for recent arrivals).

Kate Inman, Mainland/Southwest Representative

Hi, my name is Kate Inman and I just joined the board in June 2024. I’ve lived in Squamish for nearly 25 years and I work at the Squamish Public Library as the Children’s Librarian. I love reading and kids and cats!

I have been an avid bike rider for most of my life – I commute to work and run errands on my e-bike, I love to ride on the trails in Squamish and all over BC on my mountain bike, and I enjoy road riding too, but mostly on quiet country roads, preferably in Europe!! I’ve been a team leader at the library for Gobybike for many years and I’m looking forward to continuing to help get others out riding and lowering their global footprint.

Isaac Gilbert, Okanagan Representative

Isaac grew up in Windsor, Ontario, the Automotive Capital of Canada, and then moved to BC in 2010. Living in the Lower Mainland his mind changed, through public transit and biking, and realized he was shackled by the four wheels and combustible engine he was driving. Ever since he tries his best to bike all year round and use public transit when he is not biking. His career spans from being a arborist to becoming a park ranger and then elected to city council in the City of Penticton. He believe interacting with the community and seeing nature on a bike is good for society, mental health, and the planet. He has advocated for protected bike lanes in Penticton to help make life more affordable and safer.

Kim Warkentine, Vancouver Island Representative

I would like to respectfully acknowledge with a grateful heart that I live and work on the traditional and unceded territories of the Snuneymuxw people. This is something I keep in mind every day: how to enact this respect and gratitude in my work specifically, and in my life, generally.

My love for cycling started when my dad refurbished an old single gear bike and painted it a beautiful sparkly blue for me. No training wheels, just soft grass to practice on! I’ve been through a few bikes since then, clocking thousands of kilometers, and now I rely on a very sturdy e-bike to take me up the hills of Nanaimo.

Being of service is important to me. I currently work at Vancouver Island University in the Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement, where I’ve honed my skills in academic governance and committee work. Before moving to Nanaimo, I worked in education at various levels, starting with teaching English overseas, and then working in post-secondary, where I led governance projects and policy implementation. My volunteer work has included different community projects and helping at organizations like the Red Cross. At the moment, I’m the second-vice president of CUPE local 1858.

When I’m not biking, I like being crafty, reading, hiking, travelling and learning languages. Happy trails, my friends!

Honorary Lifetime Board Members:

Arno Schortinghuis, Past President, BC Cycling Coalition

Orlando Schmidt, Bank of Montreal, Abbotsford

GoByBike BC Staff:

GoByBikeBC Society is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Executive Director, Tanya Kaul, who began her tenure on January 15, 2024.

Tanya spent the past three years as the Director of Recreation and Community Services for the District of Port Hardy. During her tenure in Port Hardy, she led two GoByBike Week campaigns on behalf of the District, expanded recreational opportunities for the entire North Island region, and fostered community engagement.

Contact Information:
Tanya Kaul
Executive Director

Katie Weitz
Provincial Program Director

Kaelene Kirk
Program Coordinator/Administrative Assistant