GoByBike Nelson Registration Package Pick up and Information
Hello GoByBike Nelson Riders,
Welcome to our Nelson team!
Your participation demonstrates the power of the pedal in our community and will help shape how Nelson rides in the future.
Are you ready to ride?
Here are a 3 things to do before we start our GoByBike Week riding on Monday!
- We have a registration package for you to pick up tomorrow, Saturday September 26
- Pick up Location: Sacred Ride: 213 Baker Street, Nelson
- Pick up Time: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM
- Bring a water proof bag to put your package in if it is raining:)
- Take a look at our event list of scheduled and non-scheduled activities on our community page; https://gobybikebc.ca/nelson/
- Sign up and reserve your space for one of our free learn to ride, hazards and bike maintenance Workshops
- Sept 30, 4:00 – 5:30 and Saturday Oct 3, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- Workshop Details HereĀ
- kids, adults and families all welcome
- Workshop Details HereĀ
- Sept 30, 4:00 – 5:30 and Saturday Oct 3, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- Sign up and reserve your space for one of our free learn to ride, hazards and bike maintenance Workshops
- Support our wonderful hosts!
- The West Kootenay Cycling Coalition (WKCC) is the Non-Profit back bone of Gobybike Nelson! Here is another way you can help support them.
- Buy a ticket to the inspiring documentary Motherloadmovie , hosted by the WKCC during GoByBike Week.
- The West Kootenay Cycling Coalition (WKCC) is the Non-Profit back bone of Gobybike Nelson! Here is another way you can help support them.
Buy your MotherLoad ticket(s) Here
- Ticket includes free WKCC one year membership
- 48 hours to view the movie Sept 30 – Oct 2
- Q and A panel discussion including director Liz Canning, Oct 2, 7:00 pm
Okay that is it for now, See you tomorrow at Sacred Ride!