Mark Your Calendars! Fall GoByBike Weeks run from October 3 – 16, 2022! Ride your bike, log your rides & WIN! Registration is open.
We hope everybody is enjoying the summer and riding their bikes lots! 😎 After a successful Spring GoByBike Week with almost 40,000 riders we are looking forward to #gobybike with you during the upcoming Fall GoByBike Weeks.
Mark you calendars: Fall GoByBike Weeks are OCTOBER 3 – 16, 2022.
Register now, and start tracking your kilometers biked to see how many kilograms of greenhouse gases you save. Participation is FREE, fun, helps you stay fit and healthy, and it’s great for the environment! … AND, you can win great prizes!! Stay tuned for details!
GoByBike BC Society has experienced a wild ride in 2021! Through it all, we inspired more than 50,000 British Columbians to participate in our programs, which resulted in saving 418,026 kilograms of greenhouse gas emission and improving air quality.
Let’s #gobybikebc even more in 2022! Getting around on smaller wheels like scooters and rollerblades counts, too! ..taking the bus part way, or carpooling halfway, or using a car for a portion of a long commute, as well! #AnyRideCounts