Abbotsford Prize Winners Announcement!

We are excited to announce our local prize winners:

The $100 gift card for THE KEG donated by PKG COMMUNICATIONS goes to John Evanochko (CCCTS Fraser Valley), Aaron Wijngaarden won the bike lock donated by the ABBY BIKE SHOP, and the two $30 gift certificates for the ABBY BIKE SHOP go to Barbara Sinclair and Ben Folster (Clayburn Middle School). Daryll Pollock and Dave Forcier each won a #UnitedByCycling hat!

Special thanks go out to Abby Chan who organized the Mt. Lehman School Team! They’ve won ten #GoByBike BC buffs and three #UnitedByCycling hats!

Honourable mentions for the largest teams in the following categories:

Mt. Lehman Elementary School
Clayburn Middle School
William A. Fraser Middle School

City of Abbotsford – City Hall
Fraser Valley Regional Library
Rick Hansen Secondary School Staff

Coleman Family
4 Cruisers
Mum and Skidlets
Friends for Life

We’ve also beat Cycle Chilliwack in overall numbers – they had one more team! Thanks for a friendly competition, neighbours!