10 Ways to Encourage People to GoByBike to Work!
Regular cycle commuting makes you happier, healthier and wealthier. But convincing colleagues to give it a try is hard. Here are 10 tips to to increase your work place teams and enjoy the commute!

Let’s get started
Cycling has predictable journey times, doesn’t get stuck in traffic and is fun. It helps burn off stress.
You don’t need to be a bike geek
Lycra is comfortable on the bike but makes cycling look like sport rather than transport. Don’t arrive at your desk dishevelled and dripping with sweat.
Share your routes with colleagues
People are afraid of traffic, so you can help them by pointing out quieter route options and directing them to websites that can help them plan their route to work.
What Can Be Done With Cycling Training
Anyone who hasn’t cycled for years might have forgotten how to ride a bike. Anyone returning to cycling would benefit from a refresher course on cycling skills.
Demonstrate how easy it is
Cycling is the most efficient form for human-powered movement, it’s no more strenuous than walking and you go four or five times as fast. Offer your colleagues a spin around the block or car park on your bike.
Bikes: How Much Do They Cost?
People assume they can go down to a chain store and pick up a bike for $200, but in reality they are buying a bicycle-shaped object that will be used a few times and abandoned. Find a good bike shop in your area for your colleagues where the store staff will review the bicycle and what their needs are.
Secure Bike Parking
Secure bike storage and showers at work aren’t essential for cycle commuting, but they make it more attractive. Suggest to your HR or Sustainability team to increase secure storage. Many BC municipalities are including grants that local businesses can utilize to create bike parking options.
Ensure Their Bike is Ready to Hit the Pavement
Pump up the tires, set the saddle high enough, and make sure your colleague’s leg is fully extended with the heel on the pedal.
If your colleague doesn’t have a bike or it can’t be serviced in time, you could loan one to them. Just remember to adjust the fit.
Ride Together
If you live close to your colleague, you could cycle to work together. When you’re riding along together, let your colleague lead and ride a bike length or half a bike length behind.
If your colleague has little experience riding in traffic, ride further out than them from the side of the road. This means traffic has to come around you and won’t cut in too close.
On quieter roads, you can cycle side by side. When you need to ride in single file, you brake and drop back.
Promote Fall GoByBike Weeks
Becoming a regular cycling commuter will not happen overnight. Fall GoByBike Weeks aims to get as many people as possible to try cycling to work for two weeks, to highlight the benefits of cycling to work, and start to change your mindsight and commuting habits.